yoga picOur bodies have an amazing capacity for self-healing that we simply take granted. According to Dr. Lissa Rankin, physician and founder of the Whole Health Medical Institute, our bodies are equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms that instinctively know how to kill cancer cells, eliminate toxins, fight infections, and remove foreign bodies in order to keep us healthy. It’s when our natural self-repair mechanisms are not provided the support they need to function properly that disease manifests.

So, why aren’t we always in perfect health? It turns out that we create our own barriers to self-healing: poor nutrition, lack of sleep/rest, toxic environments (chemical, physical and emotional). Without the proper supports that fuel our cells and nourish our tissues our body’s systems become stressed, forcing them to become overworked and compensate. This causes weak points in our body that become vulnerable to disease and chronic inflammation.

This is why a holistic approach to healing is important. Holistic healing addresses all parts of an individual – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. It is a way to look at how a person’s life style and environment is impacting their healing process. To truly heal, we need to stop and take notice of our whole experience – how our way of life, behaviors, and feelings are affecting our health. It is when we provide our bodies with the support tools it needs (nutrition, rest, exercise, and emotional support), it can effectively and efficiently do what it does best – keeping us healthy.

We believe that nutrition is a foundational element of perfect health and built to educate and inspire people to consider a whole food, plant-based diet. We are now excited to expand our focus beyond nutrition to holistic healing. Topic areas will include self-healing, meditation, energy healing, exercise and more. We invite you to check out our new content and would love to hear your ideas and suggestions.